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Co-Owner & Licensed Agent:

Hello! My name is Alison Klinman and I am one of the A's in A and A Adler Insurance. I grew up outside of Philadelphia. My father was a healthcare provider and my mother a tireless homemaker of 5 children. From an early age, I had to learn responsibility and listening skills and the core values of our household were kindness and helping others. This made a big impression on me and has stood to anchor me throughout my life.


After graduating with my bachelors from the University of Florida and settling down with my husband on the South Coast of Massachusetts, I sought to find a career that would allow me to blend my love for people and interacting with others with those values of kindness of service.


I fell into insurance by accident after answering an ad for a spot in a call center. After obtaining my licenses and learning about the products, I really began to see how incredibly complicated and confusing this industry was. I truly took it on as a duty to take the time to educate the people I was working with so that they didn't have to "trust me" that the coverage they were getting was good and well suited for them, but so that they would truly understand their coverage and feel empowered in the choices they were making for their own and their family's health and well-being.

About 5 years ago, I decided to venture into Medicare. Not only was it even more confusing than the plans I was offering to those under 65, but the education available to seniors seemed even more confusing than the actual product. I could see a need in my direct community as well as in the other 18 states I was licensed in for someone to really take the time to explain everything from start to finish. Not only that, but people needed someone they could come to when they had questions or issues, who could walk them through a resolution or help them make changes.


I love working in this industry because I am fulfilled, knowing that I am directly bringing those values that were instilled in me as a young child into the world. I love my clients and I love knowing that with every visit, every phone call, and every email, I am helping someone and bringing them peace of mind. I look forward to continuing this work and using my skills and expertise to make Medicare as easy an experience as possible for the people I have the opportunity to help.


Co-Owner & Licensed Agent:

Hi. My name is Andrew Adler, one half of A and A Adler Insurance. I was born and raised on the south shore of Massachusetts. Reflecting back it seems very clear now how certain pillars of who I am, how I choose to conduct myself and how I look at life were cemented in me many years ago.
My father, a singer, writer, English teacher and a career lobsterman and my mother a Jill of all trades as well from a caregiver, to retail management to an always there and always loving mother of four both instilled in me a respect for others that I guess I can sum up in a classic phrase from a popular book…Do unto others.
I have always been a people person and have had a flare for the dramatic since I was little. I carried that through my education in the performing arts at Bridgewater State College where I majored in communication with a focus in theater.
I have loved to understand how we all tick and enjoyed sharing what I learn with others. Whether that be through theater/film or through sales and training positions doing product demonstrations to the career I had not seen coming. My partner wife and better half and I settled down in the South Coast of Massachusetts and after she took the leap into insurance I followed suit. From life insurance to health insurance to Securities I found myself taken with the complexity and challenge of both understanding these incredibly important essentials in all of our lives but also in educating others in them as well.
Prior to engrossing myself in the insurance industry, I had no idea how important it all is and how it can directly affect the security and safety of my life and my loved ones. Once I got licensed and educated myself I felt drawn to the opportunity to bring that same clarity to others. Both in the coverage for those under 65 and in Medicare there are many moving pieces that can be overwhelming and confusing.
I love being able to be there for my community locally as well as across the country in the 17 states I am licensed in. Being able to be there not just to educate others about the kind of coverage they are getting and empower them in making decisions that will positively affect their lives but being able to be there for them when they have questions and when they need someone to advocate for them when they want to better understand how their insurance plays out in real-time in their lives is incredibly fulfilling.
My parents engrained "do unto others" into me and I know it has meant a lot through my life and career to have people I can trust to be there to help me. I love being able to pay that forward to my clients and look forward to continuing to be there for them when they need me. As I continue to educate myself I look forward to sharing and using my expertise to demystify Medicare, under-65 health insurance, life insurance and securities for my clients to empower them and make their experience a positive and enlightening one
